My childhood was spent in the Tuscan hills where from an early age I developed a passion for food and an understanding of the importance on choosing seasonal ingredients. I loved food but would often have GI issues. A few years ago I found out I had several intolerances, strongest ones being gluten and lactose. I soon tried to remove them from my diet by researching and studying alternative ingredients. I tested and created many allergen free recipes with taste and nutrition as the main focus. I started to feel better but still had some health issues.

In April 2021 I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the body and progressive joint damage. After experiencing years of chronic pain, GI issues, fatigue and joint deformity I finally had a name for what was going on with my health. There is no cure for psoriatic arthritis but symptoms can be managed with medication and lifestyle.

I realised how much food can affect my symptoms and researched more about it. I decided to go back to studying to learn more about nutrition and fully understand the science behind food and how it can affect our body. I am now a student at CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine) to do a three year diploma course in Naturopathic Nutrition. The aim is to help myself and others with our health goals, eating delicious food and feeling physically and mentally well.


  • Knowledge

    Guiding you to learn and understand your triggers. What works best for your mental and physical health is the foundation of wellness.

  • Meal plans

    Creating recipes in line with your budget, time and wellness goals. Healthy food doesn’t have to be expensive and time consuming.

  • Integrative

    Mindfulness, exercise and other practices can help ‘feed’ your mental health to achieve wellness and a peaceful state of mind.